Things to Consider When Buying a Bike

Cycling is a popular sport and hobby here in the Philippines. As a matter of fact, the number of cyclists and bikes shops across the country has grown exponentially over the years.

4 Value-for-Money Gyms Around the Metro

Let’s face it -- being healthy doesn’t come that cheap. From the food that we eat to the equipment/gears that we need, trying to live a fit lifestyle can be really costly; especially in my case since I’m still a student. This brings me to my dilemma in enrolling at a gym.

9 Fitness-related Netflix Shows to Watch

With a thousand choices for shows to watch, which specific shows can fitness enthusiasts watch that can help ease their longing for their old lifestyles and, simultaneously, teach them more about fitness and health?

8 Must-Run Marathons in the Philippines

Planning your Marathon Checklist? Here are the 8 must-run marathons in the Philippines!

How to Take Care of your Wet Shoes

Rainy season is here again. It’s a relief that we’re finally going to take a break from the summer heat, but the rain can be pretty bothersome too.

9 Runner-Approved Places to Run within Metro Manila

Are you a newbie looking for a place to run, are you a veteran just bored of your usual route?

5 Things I learned from my Food Intolerance Test (FIT)

My entire life, there will be some food that when I consume it will triggers my acid re-flux, some makes me feel bloated, others trigger some uncomfortable feeling.

7 Tips on how you can Find more Time to Run

If you make health and fitness a priority, you will find a way to make running a part of your daily routine. Here are tips to help you squeeze in running into your busy schedule!

High Fiber Bread for that summer ready body

I love bread. It’s been my constant breakfast partner as far as I can remember; Peanut Butter Sandwich, Peanut Butter and Jelly Sandwich, Toasted Bread with SPAM...

6 Commandments of Running with a Buddy

Running with a buddy can be so much fun! Enjoy the experience to the fullest by keeping these basic rules in mind.

42k Do’s and Don’ts – before Running a Marathon

Training for your first marathon? Follow these essential do's and don'ts to ensure a successful race day.

Hot or Cold Compress? When do you use it?

When you get into an injury doing fitness activities like running, biking, climbing, or going to the gym, you normally hear people saying to apply hot or cold compress over the injury, but when do you use hot or cold?

Exercising But Not Losing any Weight?

Exercising But Not Losing any Weight? Here's a possible reason why.

Where to buy jumping ropes in PH?

Like most people, I started asking people on where they bought their ropes, and if you're reading this, I'm guessing you're asking the same question too.