How to Transition from Casual Runner to Avid Racer

Discover how to transition from casual running to becoming an avid racer with these essential tips.

Move with Intention: How to Stay Fit in a Convenient World

In today's world, convenience is king, but it comes at the cost of our physical fitness. Learn how to move with intention to stay healthy.

How to Pick the Perfect Race with Pinoy Fitness

With so many running events happening every weekend, how do you choose the right one?

The Joy of Sunset Runs: Avoiding Early Wake-Ups and More

Find out why being a runner doesn’t mean you have to wake up early – embrace the benefits of running in the evening.

Making the Leap from 10K to 21K: A Newbie Runner’s Guide

Learn how to safely move from a 10K run to a half marathon with these essential tips for newbie runners.

Running FOMO: Is It Real? And How to Manage It

Running FOMO is real, but you don't have to break the bank to stay connected with the community. Here are eight ways to manage it.

How to Maximize Your Running Era

Running can be a fulfilling part of your life. Learn how to make the most of it by incorporating healthier habits and enjoying the journey.

Start Your Fitness Journey: Consistency Over Intensity

Discover the secret to a lasting fitness routine: set a weekly schedule, pick workouts you love, and avoid the intensity trap!

What’s an “A” Race and Why It’s a Game-Changer for Your Running Goals

Find out how choosing an 'A' race can help streamline your training schedule, keep you motivated, and ensure you're in top form on race day.

Biohacking 101: What Athletes Do to Go Fast

Biohacking has become a popular trend among athletes, with practices such as ice baths, sauna therapies, and vitamin drips aimed at enhancing performance and well-being.

The Sound of Silence: Why I Choose to Run Without Music

Discover the benefits of running without music and how it can enhance your performance, focus, and connection with nature during races and long runs.

Top 10 Runner Fears and How to Sprint Past Them

Turn your running fears into fuel with fun, practical tips for conquering common running anxieties and hitting the pavement with confidence.

Embrace the Run: 12 Iconic Running Poses to Inspire Your Next Marathon

Discover the whimsical side of marathons with 'Embrace the Run', showcasing 12 running poses that go beyond the finish line, capturing the hearts and spirits of runners everywhere.

Post-Holiday Fitness Plan: Simple Steps to Get Back on Track

Jump back into fitness after the festive season: practical tips on balanced nutrition, effective workouts, and embracing the fitness community