What’s an “A” Race and Why It’s a Game-Changer for Your Running Goals

Find out how choosing an 'A' race can help streamline your training schedule, keep you motivated, and ensure you're in top form on race day.

The Sound of Silence: Why I Choose to Run Without Music

Discover the benefits of running without music and how it can enhance your performance, focus, and connection with nature during races and long runs.

Top 10 Runner Fears and How to Sprint Past Them

Turn your running fears into fuel with fun, practical tips for conquering common running anxieties and hitting the pavement with confidence.

Post-Holiday Fitness Plan: Simple Steps to Get Back on Track

Jump back into fitness after the festive season: practical tips on balanced nutrition, effective workouts, and embracing the fitness community

Celebrating the Solitary Stride – A Message to all Solo Runners

Find inspiration in the solitary strides of Filipino runners, as we highlight the unspoken triumphs of running solo.

Chicago Marathon: Budgeting and Tips for Filipino Runners

Discover the essentials of participating in the Chicago Marathon, from managing costs to acclimating to the colder climate - a Filipino runner's handbook.

Elevate Your Running Journey: 10 Key Habits for Every Runner

Enhance your running journey with these 10 habits, designed to optimize your performance, prevent injuries, and foster a healthier, more balanced runner's lifestyle.

Unlocking Weight Loss Plateaus: Why Your Meal Plan Isn’t Working

Discover the surprising reasons behind stagnant scales despite committed efforts to embrace a food delivery plan.

What to Do When Running Gets Boring

Feeling the running blues? You're not alone. Even the most passionate runners can hit a rut. Whether it's the monotony of the same route or the frustration of stagnant progress, it's easy to lose that initial spark. But don't hang up those running shoes just yet!

Starting a Calorie Deficit Diet: A Beginner’s Guide

This beginner's guide demystifies the calorie deficit approach, offering a holistic roadmap to effective and sustainable weight management.

Journey Through Asia One Marathon at a Time: 2023 Edition

From Tokyo's neon streets to the Great Wall's rugged steps, Asia's marathons blend breathtaking landscapes with unique cultural experiences, inviting runners to chase both personal records and unforgettable adventures

Breaking Through the Plateau: How to Get Unstuck with Running

The experience taught me that every runner, no matter their level, can hit a plateau. But with the right approach, it's possible to regain momentum, find joy in the run, and keep moving forward.

How To Track Your Running To Improve Performance and Longevity

Running regularly will definitely improve your running, but true performance and longevity improvements will come from being systematic and tracking the proper metrics. 

What is Heart Rate Variability (HRV)?

Heart Rate Variability caught my interest which is why this article will be focusing on HRV and what this can mean for your overall fitness.