Ka Rene: Smashing the Sub 1 10K Challenge at 72 years...

Ka Rene certainly piqued our interests and inspired awe in many who were there at the event grounds to see him cross that finish line with a happy grin, almost knocking over one of our marshals as he make it to the cut-off og the Sub 1 10K Challenge.

Finding a Fitness Lifestyle that Works for You

Losing weight is one of the things that are easier said than done. It is common for many people to try the latest diet fads, sign up to the newest workouts, and purchase the latest fitness gears, yet still feel like nothing is really happening.

Lauren – The Accidental Runner

There’s a sure way you can get Lauren Lim to do something: tell her that it’s hard and that it can’t be done.

Weight-Loss Stories That Will Make You Want to Move

Sometimes, all we need to start moving is an inspiration.

Road to Recovery: Rona Samson’s Journey

“Do it not because you hate your body, but because you love yourself.” She mentioned, talking about her fitness comeback.

Can You Beat the Time of These Celebrity Triathletes?

Triathlons are no joke. It involves a rigorous course of swimming, cycling, and running all in one race -- a true test of endurance and strength!

Salva Vidas – A Rescuer’s Proactive Pursuit of Fitness to Save...

Bein's story is not about personal transformation or weight loss. It's a tale of dedication, a proactive approach to physical fitness, and a commitment to saving lives.

Meet Rosalinda Ogsimer, a 69 year old Ultramarathoner

Wondering if you're already too old to run? Then meet Mommy Rosalinda "Linda" Ogsimer, she's now 69 years old and an ultra-marathoner.

4 Rewards of Being a Pacer

Discover the incredible rewards of being a running pacer, from motivation to making new friends.

I’ve been fat for most of my life, until now.

I've been fat for most of my life. I was chubby in elementary school and constantly gained weight throughout the years. I reached my heaviest back in 2012 at over 220 lbs.

Behind the Podium

This year, the annual Pinoy Fitness SUB1 10K Challenge concluded with over 4,500 runners who attempted to beat the clock and set their own records. Amongst the thousands that joined the race, there were only a few that bested the majority.

Wilbert Ang: The Only Disability Is a Bad Attitude

“The only disability in life is a bad attitude,” he says. “Walang Imposible.”

Evolve-ing with Yoga

It’s been 3 months since I embarked on this weight loss journey and this is a half-way checkpoint to my goal to lose 19 lbs. in 6 months.

Martial arts in the Philippines – an undying culture

The martial arts culture in the Philippines currently faces a threat that may endanger the practice as local quarantine measures stretch on.