5 Worst Things To Do Before You Run

If you are reading this article then chances are you are someone who enjoys running that much and it’s somehow part of your regular routine but let me tell you something – as much as it can be the best part of your day, it can also turn out to be the worst if you practice bad pre-run habits.

In Good Company: 5 Reasons to Run with a Team

Being a part of a running team is a sure interest among avid running enthusiasts in the country. In fact, the number of teams has grown exponentially since the running craze hit the Philippines a few years ago.

6 Life-Saving Tips While Running Races

Recently we’ve been reading about fellow running/multisport enthusiasts who collapse during a race, with tragic results. While we can’t control all the conditions during race day...

Pinoy Fitness Calorie Facts

Just before you head out to decide what you're going to eat right after an hour of workout, checkout the estimated fitness calorie chart above...

My Top 5 Fitness Groups in Manila

Here is my top 5 list of fitness groups in Metro Manila that you can join for FREE!!!

5 Post-Run Stretches To Help You Relax and Recover Faster

Resting immediately after a run can lead to tight, stiff, and painful muscles. It’s better to drink lots of fluids immediately and do post-run stretches.

4 Signs It’s Time to Replace Your Running Shoes

A pair of good running shoes is the most important investment for every runner. Your chosen pair will be the primary protection of your feet, knees, ankles, and joints as you run kilometer after kilometer. But a good pair of running shoes doesn’t come cheap.

5 Spartan Race Essentials

Obstacle races are starting to gain popularity these days as endurance athletes are wanting to explore different sports and challenge themselves even more.

5 Ways to Protect Your Life During Races

If there’s ever a sad truth, it’d be probably this: Life can stop at any moment for anyone.

4 Reasons why Fish Oil is good for Runners

Many of us primarily associate Fish Oil (Omega-3 fatty acids) as a heart supplement, but even when you’re in good shape, a regular runner or a gym rat, here are four reasons...

12 Tips to Make you Fall in Love with Running Again

Just like any relationship, you and running will have its ups and downs. You will feel the burnout after running for a while, find another sport or hobby to learn, or will just feel bored.

8 Running Apps You Can Download for FREE

With running apps that can monitor your speed, distance, calories burned, and even map your route, your smartphone can be a great running buddy. Whether you’re on Android or iOS, here are 8 running apps you can download and enjoy for free!

6 Jumpers to follow on IG for rope flow inspiration

Could jumping ropes be the new fitness trend on the rise?