Give Yourself a Boost

I am writing this as I have been constantly interrupted by sickness since I started running last year.

My Top 5 Fitness Groups in Manila

Here is my top 5 list of fitness groups in Metro Manila that you can join for FREE!!!

Strength Training Exercises for a FASTER 10K Run

Finishing your 10k run faster requires you to take time to prepare and build your running mileage. But strength training also plays a key role in your development as a runner, it builds muscle so that the body can handle the repetitive stress on the joints of distance running.

10 Terms Only Runners Will Understand

When I first started seriously running in the last quarter of 2016 to prepare for my first full marathon in 2017, I didn’t know much about the technicalities of running.

Our First Time to Try Couple Workouts

Tag your SO and try these, too

Romantic Trails near Manila to visit this Valentines

Tired of going to the mall or just craving for a little bit of adventure this Valentines?

Filipino Vinegars to Spice up your Adobo

Here are just a few recipes to spice up your adobo

Best Places To Run Around Manila in 2020

Indeed, there's a lot of spots across Manila to have a nice run aside from the good ol' UP Diliman and BGC!

5 Easy Ways to Get Fit with Technology

Here are some apps and gadgets (to help get you started on the journey to a new, fitter you.

Rest to Reset – a phrase to live by for a better life

The only solution there is, is to make a conscious effort for recovery if you still want to do things with the right state of mind and proper energy.

8 Gym Etiquette Every Pinoy Should Know

So here are the top 8 gym etiquette every gym goer should follow

Guiltless Recipes (Sugar Free and Easy to Make)

Here are a few dessert recipes to help you navigate your way around without flushing all your hard work down the toilet. Perfect for any gathering to share with friends and family

How to Take the Funk Out of Smelly Running Shoes and Clothes

Contrary to what many people think, sweat doesn’t smell. It’s bacteria interacting with the sweat that causes odor on your running gear. It’s the same bacteria that causes body odor.