Debunking Sauna Myths: Can It Really Help You Lose Weight?

Whenever we talk about saunas, we’ve always been told that it can supposedly help you lose weight without doing anything. You just sit there, sweat out all those impurities, and voila, you’re down to shedding a few pounds; but just how true is this?

Healthy Snack Recipe: Baked eggplant cheese fries

Can't kick your love for french fries in the can? This healthy alternative might change your mind. Read the recipe for eggplant cheese fries here.

5 Signs you are Overtraining

There was a moment late last year when I almost wanted to stop running and triathlon training. There was actually time when I told my triathlon coach na "ayaw ko na!".

Buy a Running Shoe based on your Feet Arch Type

One of the most common questions we get from runners is how to choose the right running shoes. Some runners will chose based on their favorite brand, others will base their selection on their aesthetic or design.

Romantic Trails near Manila to visit this Valentines

Tired of going to the mall or just craving for a little bit of adventure this Valentines?

5 Worst Things To Do Before You Run

If you are reading this article then chances are you are someone who enjoys running that much and it’s somehow part of your regular routine but let me tell you something – as much as it can be the best part of your day, it can also turn out to be the worst if you practice bad pre-run habits.

How To Track Your Running To Improve Performance and Longevity

Running regularly will definitely improve your running, but true performance and longevity improvements will come from being systematic and tracking the proper metrics. 

5 Fitness Tips for Moms with Jackie Go

Since mother's day is just around the corner, we got together with Jackie Go, a mom and fitness blogger/influencer to share to us some tips on how to stay fit and healthy being a busy mom just like herself.

10 Terms Only Runners Will Understand

When I first started seriously running in the last quarter of 2016 to prepare for my first full marathon in 2017, I didn’t know much about the technicalities of running.

Krav Maga Defense Techniques against Mad Cab Drivers

The season of long lines at the taxi stands and cab service stalls has finally arrived. Not that anyone’s looking forward to that. It’s also the season of sketchy characters in the person of cab or car service drivers.

Pinoy Fitness Challenge – 1,000 Jump Ropes

Let's have a little fun shall we? Anyone up for a little fun and challenge? Let's see how long you need to finish 1,000 Jump Ropes!

Can You Work Out When You’re Pregnant?

As long as it’s not a delicate pregnancy (wherein you need to be on complete bed rest) and the doctor gave you the go-signal, of course you can!

8 Gym Etiquette Every Pinoy Should Know

So here are the top 8 gym etiquette every gym goer should follow

Best kettlebells in PH and where to buy them

A kettlebell can be swung, lifted, thrown, pressed, held and manipulated in various combinations that can support strength training and cardio-vascular exercises.