How to Take Care of your Wet Shoes

Rainy season is here again. It’s a relief that we’re finally going to take a break from the summer heat, but the rain can be pretty bothersome too.

42k Do’s and Don’ts – before Running a Marathon

In this article, we will discuss some key do's and don'ts for running your first marathon. By following these guidelines, you can ensure that you are physically and mentally prepared for the race, and that you are able to complete it safely and successfully.

Bad Habits to Break this 2022

Let this year be the year you take control of your health and fitness, and to help you jump start your journey, we're sharing some of the bad habits you should break this 2022

Top Pinoy Marathon Fears and How To Overcome Them

Running a Marathon is both exciting and scary, Relax! We've listed down the top things that might scare you and tips on how you can overcome them.

How to manage your Long Distance Workout Relationships

So how do you stay connected with your fitness buddies in this new world?

5 Ways to Protect Your Life During Races

If there’s ever a sad truth, it’d be probably this: Life can stop at any moment for anyone.

10 Yoga Poses for Runners

Bikram Yoga is a series of 26 postures and 2 breathing exercises. Practicing Bikram Yoga has been proven to help with weight loss, improve blood circulation, support injuries and relieve back pains

Getting Started: Becoming Active and Going For a Better Lifestyle

If you have found yourself clicking to read this article, then it must mean that for whatever reason, you have decided to be more active and change your lifestyle and wish to know more on how to start doing so.

7 Gross Things Runners Do But Probably Won’t Admit

Even the fittest and fastest runners are human, after all. Like the rest of us, they’re capable of doing unsexy things. Here are some of the um, strange things runners do or are capable of doing, but probably Won’t really admit it.

5 Tips to Fight DOMS and Recover Faster

Remember the pain after your First 5K? Or that moment when you can hardly walk for days after your first half-marathon?

How to Take the Funk Out of Smelly Running Shoes and Clothes

Contrary to what many people think, sweat doesn’t smell. It’s bacteria interacting with the sweat that causes odor on your running gear. It’s the same bacteria that causes body odor.

5 Tips On How to Convince your Beshie Run

Are you having a hard time convincing your beshie to join you on your runs? Here are some tips might make them change their minds and, hopefully, start their journey towards becoming runners for life.

5 tricks and tutorials to level up your normal jump

As runners, athletes and fitness enthusiasts are required to stay indoors due to the Coronavirus Pandemic, a new global trend is emerged as an alternative cardio workout: Jumping Ropes