How Running Helped Me Conquer My Fear of Swimming
If there was one thing, that even just the thought of, scared the hell out of me , it was having my body immersed in deep water.
Fitcationing: It’s a Thing and Here’s How You Do it
What happens when you take your regular vacation, but instead of doing ‘touristy’ stuff, you do fitness activities instead? A fitcation!
DNS (Did Not Start): The Best Thing To Happen To Me
DNS (Did Not Start or Did Not Show) is when you’ve already registered but did not show up in the starting line.
Recode Running Festival: Redefining the Way We Run the City with Adidas
MANILA, Philippines -- Adidas partners with District app for the Recode Running Festival which celebrates the launch of the Ultraboost 19, Saturday, March 16.
Running the London Marathon for Smile Train
Until recently, I learned that there is an alternate way to get into a world marathon, one that is perhaps even more difficult but also the one that is more fulfilling – to run for charity.
I Tried Virtual Running and Here’s What I Realized
What sorcery is this? So even if I disliked the idea of virtual running, this FOMO girl decided to download the Atleta app and give it a go.
The Dream We Relentlessly Chase
The marshall counts it down. 10, 9, 8, I join the shouts... 7, 6, 5, deep breath... 4, 3, 2, head high and eyes ahead... 1, bang! And I charge ahead. I run for freedom.
Top Philippine Adventures You Should Go on this 2019
You see, we just thought that; yeah, we’re fit (or trying to get there), we’re active, and somehow intermeshed with all the active lifestyle and insatiable thirst for working out is an equally insatiable yearning for adventure.
Adidas to Drop Game of Thrones Ultraboosts in 2019
Winter is coming in April 2019 along with new pairs of kicks from Adidas.
An Empire State of Running: The NYC Marathon
Today, the NYCM still breaks barriers in a marathon, as one of the biggest marathon events in the world. With a reported 52,811 total finishers in the 2018 NYCM, the event has not only helped bring together the local community but a global mass of runners.
5 Reasons Why You Should Give Virtual Running a Try
Virtual races basically work by setting a required distance to finish in a given number of days or weeks. But so many people still ask why someone would join virtual racing when there are tons of actual races every weekend.
Break a Sweat with Old Navy Active!
Old Navy, globally famous apparel and accessories brand, just launched its activewear line, called Old Navy Active, to keep you moving and ahead of the competition.
Date Ideas Fitting for a Fit Girl
We asked a couple of fit girls what kind of dates they’d love to go on that will not only challenge (the good kind) your hearts and bodies but might just sweep her off her feet as well
Rizal Mountain Run Trail Adventure 2019
Last weekend we joined the Rizal Mountain Run, which is our very first Trail race this year that starts in BaseKamp located in Pintong Bukawe San Mateo Rizal.