5 things I like about the Polar Pacer Pro GPS Watch

If you're in the market for a new GPS watch, then here are some of the things I like about the Polar Pacer Pro.


I love running with gadgets. Ever since I started running back in 2009, I always love collecting data about my running performance… distance, time, heart rate, pace you name it. GPS watches were very basic back then, I used to run with the Polar M400 back in 2014 and it instantly became one of my favorites.

Polar, back in the days was distributed locally by Toby’s Sports and RUNNR, but they eventually let the brand go, and without support, I also switched to a different watch brand since then. But just a few years ago, Dan’s Bike Shop took Polar under their wing and started promoting and supporting the new generation Polar watches locally.

I recently just got hold of the new Polar Pacer Pro, this watch is positioned as one of their mid-range running watches. If you’re in the market for a new GPS watch, then here are some of the things I like about the Polar Pacer Pro.


1. Simple Elegant Design

Coming from a boxed type shape, the new generation Polar sports watches, including the Pacer Pro, embraced the sporty round simple and elegant design. It’s now easier to pair the watch for sports or for fashion. The Pacer Pro also comes in 5 colors, the Autumn Maroon, Carbon Grey, Snow White, Midnight Blue, and Aurora Green.

2. Super Light Weight

The Polar Pacer Pro comes with a 1.2-inch Memory-in-Pixel non-touch (240×240) in a Plastic case/aluminum bezel and weighs at only 41g. The watch design is so slim and light that sometimes I forget that I am even wearing it during a run. It’s also light enough that I think I can comfortably wear it all day and to bed.

3. Long Battery Life

Gone are the days when you need to charge your GPS watches daily. The Polar Pacer Pro can last for more than a week in standby mode, and upto 35 hours when the GPS and Heart Rate Monitor is enabled. It’s perfect for marathoners and even ultra marathoners without the worry of the watch dying in the middle of the race.

4. New Generation Optical Heart Rate Monitor

Polar has been first and foremost known for their heart rate monitor technology than GPS. And one of the key benefits of having a Polar Pro is that it is equipped with their latest Precision Prime optical heart rate monitor.

Based on their website, Precision Prime is a state-of-the-art solution to overcome problems with motion to offer the best possible optical heart rate monitoring. The reliable wear detection means the HR measurement is activated only when the product with Polar Precision Prime technology is properly on the wrist, for training sessions and 24/7 activity tracking.

5. Wrist-based Power Measurement

Last but not the least, the most interesting feature that the Polar Pace Pro comes with a wrist-based power measurement. This seems to be the latest trend in running watches nowadays, where rather than using heart rate, running power is now used a basis of performance. Previously, you have to buy a separate foot pod that can measure running power to do this, but modern watches like the Pacer Pro has included them into their watches.

Though this is something new, and accuracy is still an issue. Polar promised that their watch uses the most sophisticated algorithm to provide consistent power measurement results.

Interested to check out the new Pacer Pro or other Polar Watches? Visit Dan’s store at 2nd level, Mega Atrium, SM Megamall or you can purchase at the official Polar online store in Lazada.


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