It’s Not What You Do, It’s How You Do it

Right now, the most important thing that we can manage and do is to find ways that will let us balance work productivity with personal health and well-being.

Starting your fitness journey this 2023

The biggest thing that stops people from finally getting into shape is the fear of getting started. Yes it can get intimidating, but with a proper plan in mind you can get it done.

7 Tips on How to Look Great in your Race Photos

Awkward arms and legs, weird facial expressions, and looking very "laspag". After seeing so many unflattering race photos being posted on Facebook, enough is enough. It’s about time you take control and master a few tricks on how to look calm, poised, and relaxed in all your race photos!

8 Tips for Newbie Runners

With years of experience in teaching newbie runners we asked our favorite community Coach Mherlz Nava Lumagbas for some Tips on how to get started with running.

6 Life-Saving Tips While Running Races

Recently we’ve been reading about fellow running/multisport enthusiasts who collapse during a race, with tragic results. While we can’t control all the conditions during race day...

7 Ways Yoga can help make you a better Athlete

Many see yoga as a gentle form of exercise that focuses mainly on stretches and breathing practices. While this does apply to some styles, many other types of yoga bring more benefit to the body than just flexibility and a relaxed mind.

Fitness During the Pandemic – A different perspective

A quick chat with Coach Saul Sibayan, he's one of the founders of Endurance Lab PH, to give us some tips on how we can train and maintain our fitness during the pandemic and prepare ourselves when race season starts again next.

5 Things I learned from my Food Intolerance Test (FIT)

My entire life, there will be some food that when I consume it will triggers my acid re-flux, some makes me feel bloated, others trigger some uncomfortable feeling.

Benefits of Chiropractic Treatment For Athletes

To be honest, I used to be very scared and skeptic about chiropractic treatments, before my first session 5 years ago, I suffer from upper back and neck discomfort, mainly due to over exercise and bad posture.

How Sugar Can Make You Fat

On normal days, I normally eat at McDo for breakfast (I have a thing called #McDoMornings) with a hot chocolate on the side to wake me up, BonChon for lunch

Is OCR Newbie Friendly?

We took my friend Jema to the Obstacle Sports Factory to check if she's OCR ready despite having no prior experience and skills in any type of obstacle courses.

6 Reasons Why You Should Sign-Up for the Pinoy Fitness Sub1 10K Challenge

If you’re still thinking twice about joining the Pinoy Fitness Sub 1 10K Challenge, here are legit reasons why you should head your nearest registration sites now!

Intermittent Fasting – Is it safe?

In the world of weight loss diets, intermittent fasting is my best bet.

4 Signs It’s Time to Replace Your Running Shoes

A pair of good running shoes is the most important investment for every runner. Your chosen pair will be the primary protection of your feet, knees, ankles, and joints as you run kilometer after kilometer. But a good pair of running shoes doesn’t come cheap.