My Story #2: June Real

Before I went to take running seriously, my only physical activity is Basketball. Since the year 2000, I have hyper extended my left knee several times (about 8), the last was in an official game...

My Story #1: Rizaldy Relativo

Growing up I’m always be on the heavy side, there is no single chance that my weight and BMI hit a normal level for my 5’6” frame...

Victor Ting an Interview about Running for Life

Runners don’t race other runners. They race against themselves to conquer their wills, to transcend their weaknesses, to beat back their nightmares and actually beat themselves.

Run for Life: A race towards seeing the blinding success of...

Not all times God grants what we wanted. Sometimes, the things you think you can’t live without are the ones that could mould you in chasing the real spirit of happiness. Here's a story about a Blind Runner