My Story #2: June Real


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Being Oft-Injured Basketball Player to a Long Distance Runner
By: June Real

Before I went to take running seriously, my only physical activity is Basketball. Since the year 2000, I have hyper extended my left knee several times (about 8), the last was in an official game on July 3, 2011 playing for the yellow team. With the recent setback, I was worried that my playing days are over. Basketball is my first love and I came to a realization that my knees cannot hold my weight and as a result, I suffer from that recurring injury.

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After one month of rest and recovery, I gained a lot of weight and ventured out with running. My first attempt to participate in a fun run (3k Run United 2, August 2011) humbled me, it was really a challenge and it made me realize that I need to trim down my weight in order to be with my first love (basketball), so I took running seriously and after one year of progression in running (going from 3k, 5k, 10k, 16k and 21k) and with the help of good training and commitment to eating healthy, I managed to trim my weight from 93kg to 82kg (205 lbs to 180 lbs).


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I was able to return to the game and played for the blue team last year while continuing with the passion built for running, not only did I overcame the fear of not playing basketball again but, resulting from the commitment to be fit, after completing one basketball season (June – July 2012) injury-free, I went on to finish my first full marathon at The Bull Runner Dream Marathon a few months later (February 2013).

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My fitness journey was not easy. People would discourage me and say that I stop playing basketball because of previous injuries. I made those statements as a motivation to move forward with my fitness goals. I still have a lot more work to do to hit my target weight and going back to what I have already accomplished, there is no way that I can’t achieve some more as long as I won’t let myself get discouraged. – END
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  1. Wow ngayon ko lang nalaman na inot running din pala si Bonel Balingit! Good job sir, idol ko po kayo.

  2. Congratulations Sir!
    A story of overcoming one’s weaknesses is always a great one.
    Also, may isang comment yata sa taas na dapat i edit out.

    PS. Share your Story request: Sir Jerome AM Tan!


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