Run, Bike, Live for a Pro-Life Nation – December 8, 2013



Pro-Life Philippines Foundation / E-ventologist Co. are inviting everyone to join a Fun Run and Bike Fun Ride event entitled “Run-Bike-LIVE — for a Pro-Life Nation” on December 8, 2013, Sunday from 5:00-9:00 AM at the Marikina Riverbanks. There will be a Holy Mass celebrated after the event.

The aim of the event is to promote, strengthen and defend our cherished values of life, family and marriage by bringing together Filipinos of all ages and from all backgrounds – young and old, men and women, from the laity, religious and the clergy — to run or bike – all united in our common vision for a “Pro-Life Nation”.

For the Fun Ride, bikers can use all types of bicycles including Mountain Bikes, BMX Bikes, Fixies, Japanese Bikes, Folding Bikes, Road Bikes, Racing Bikes, even unicycles and all other types of bicycles. For the Fun Run, there will be 3 categories – 3K, 5K, 10K.

Run, Bike, Live for a Pro-Life Nation
December 8, 2013 @ 5AM
Marikina Riverparks, Marikina City
3K/5K/10K and and a Fun Ride for Bike 10K
Organizer: Pro-Life Philippines Foundation / E-ventologist Co.


Registration Fees:
– Donate Php 350 to get the Event Jersey and Race/Bike Bib
– Donate Php 250 to get the Event T-Shirt and Race/Bike Bib
– Donate Php 100 to get the Pro-Life Wristband ID, and Race/Bike Bib
– Donate Php 50 to get a Race/Bike Bib

Add This Event to Calendar:

Registration Venues:
Pro-Life Philippines Foundation, Inc. Secretariat
Tel.No.: 733-7027
Fax No.: 734-9425

E-ventologist Co.
Tel.No.: 5132350
Mobile: 0917-5533261 / 0917-2753818
Email: / [email protected].

– Other registration venues will be announced later

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