Dating a runner? Here are 7 Dating Tips from a Runner

Whether it's cheering them on at a race or going on a run together, dating a runner can bring a unique dynamic to a relationship.

7 Essential Equipment for a Home Gym

Inconvenience—be it that of time and/or cost—is the main reason why people don’t get started working out. We’re either too busy to get it started, or we feel like it’s just another expense we can’t afford as of the moment.

6 Tips To Run Safely In the Rain

Forecast today was heavy rain and thunderstorm, but we're totally blessed that the race ended up having a great race weather.

Top 10 Must-Know Running Terms for Beginners

The running community is, hands down, one intact group where people love to share their achievements, fallbacks, and even give pieces of advice. I have personally seen how passionate runners are when they discuss anything related to running – from forms, distances, shoes, gadgets, etc. through the PF community Facebook group.

Pros and Cons of Running in the Rain

We are here to share with you both pros and cons of running in the rain, so that for those who are considering trying it out—and especially since it’s been raining non-stop in the Metro for days, now—you are fully aware of both risks and payoffs of doing so.

Resolutions are not the Solution

Here we go. The month of creating a long to-do list is just around the bend. In the first few weeks of January up to the start of the second quarter of the year, gyms will be packed not only by its regular members but mostly by the so-called New Year’s Resolutioners.

5 Simple Safety Tips for Solo Runners

Yet despite it being such a common thing, solo runners still often experience the feeling of being in a vulnerable situation whenever they go out and train – and this applies to both night and early morning joggers!

How to keep your Sanity on Rest Days

Ever since new year, you must have been hitting the gym every day to burn the extra pounds to get ready for summer, you go nuts when your trainer insists that you take a day off from your workout regimen.

4 Value-for-Money Gyms Around the Metro

Let’s face it -- being healthy doesn’t come that cheap. From the food that we eat to the equipment/gears that we need, trying to live a fit lifestyle can be really costly; especially in my case since I’m still a student. This brings me to my dilemma in enrolling at a gym.

SUNSCREEN 101: 6 Tips You Should Know this Summer

Make sure you pick a sunscreen with at least SPF 30+ which can protect you from 97% of UVB rays when applied correctly.

5 Benefits of Exercising While You’re Young

We all know that exercising helps us lose weight, with the proper diet of course. As part of the millennial generation, let’s face it, we are not as health conscious

How to be H2O-K Despite Your Busy Schedule

Growing up, we’ve always been told to drink 8 glasses of water a day -- don’t believe that, depending on our daily activities, we actually might need more! It’s a myth that most people choose to believe just because its convenient and easy to remember.

Filipino Vinegars to Spice up your Adobo

Here are just a few recipes to spice up your adobo

Meet Your Meat: Which Local Burger Joint Packs the Most Protein?

We’ve whipped up a neat little review on the protein and fat content of the common burger joints around the Metro!