7 Tips on How to stay Fit and Young till you’re 40+



Top Age Group Triathlete and Mom Vanj Endaya shares some tips on how to stay Fit and Young till you’re 40+.

7 Tips on How to stay Fit and Young till you’re 40+
by: Vanj Endaya

1. Develop good healthy eating habits – how you eat helps turn back the clock. Missing breakfast, skipping meals, snacking on the run and grazing while watching TV are all associated with eating excess calories.

2. Drink Water – one of the best and cheapest anti-aging tonics is to drink plenty of water. I make sure that water is within my reach even at work or when I workout. Proper hydration makes your skin look less tired and reduces food cravings. Drink enough water to plump up your skin, give your hair gloss and flush out unwanted toxins.


3. Exercise – choose activities that make you feel positive and confident about yourself. For me, it’s Triathlon, it could be something different for you, just make sure you love what you do. Exercise sustains good posture, bone density and joint mobility. Aim for at least 30 minutes of moderate physical activity most days of the week. To jumpstart weight loss, you might need to boost that time to 60 mins.

4. Take care of your Skin – Skin is our largest organ, it makes up about 15% of our body weight, so make sure you take care of it. Maintain your youthful glow by applying moisturizer and body oils to still damp skin immediately after showering or bathing. Yes, I do this religiously.

5. Prioritize (beauty) sleep – Always find time to sleep, it is a necessary process for regeneration and cell restoration. There are a lot of studies that shows that lack of sleep promotes ageing, weakens the immune system and promotes weight gain.

6. Consume Skin-Saving vitamins – build your diet around vitamin-packed fruit and vegetables. Vitamins A, C and E are strong antioxidant. Lack of Vitamin A shows in flaking skin, Vitamin C is anti-inflammatory and so is essential for healing skin cell and promotes regeneration and plumping. It works best with immune-stimulating Vitamin E which encourages circulation to promote radiance. For me, I get my daily vitamin supplements from Health Express.

7. Apply Sunblock – Last but not least, make sure to protect your skin from UV rays, not only when you do outdoor fitness or sports, but every day of the week, even when going to work. Neutrogena SPF 100 works wonders for me.

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  1. That’s a pretty funny title. “Fit” I understand but “young.” Do you mean “feel young”? What happens after 40?

  2. Life continues while for some life begins at 40.You can do anything you thought was impossible. Finish a marathon, climb mountains, write a book or learn how to scuba dive.As you get older you get bolder which is the best approach in looking at life.


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