Calling out to all running teams nationwide! Chris Sports is once again bringing us another chance to experience an EPIC ADVENTURE! the Chris Sports Epic Relay 250 is already scheduled on June 9-10, 2012. Check out the details!
Chris Sports EPIC RELAY 250
June 9-10, 2012
Subic Bay to Bataan and Zambales
10 Team Mates, 2 Vans, 250KM
Registration Fees:
ALL CATEGORIES (with 10 MEMBERS): (Early Bird: Php 12,000) (Regular rate : Php 13,500)
ULTRA: (with 5 MEMBERS): (Early Bird: Php 10,000) (Regular rate: Php 10, 750)
EPIC RELAY 250 – Race Bible:
[download id=”682″]
Prizes For:
– Top Finisher Teams
– Best Team Uniform
– Best in Vehicle Dress Up
– Best Team Name
Cut off time is 40 hours to cover 250KM in relay style During the relay, each team member runs 3 legs, each leg ranging between 4 – 12 km and varying in difficulty.
(Easy-Moderate-Difficult-Very Difficult)
Registration Procedures:
1. Get Registration Forms:
a. Download it Here -> [download id=”677″]
b. Get forms from any Chris Sports branch nationwide.
2. Fill up forms:
Form A1: Team Registration Form: Form a team of 10 members , pick the Team Captain, Co Captain, and let the captains fill out all fields in this form in two (2) copies.
3. Submit forms:
Form A1: Submit to any Chris Sports branch nationwide
4. Pay your joining fees:
Go to any Chris Sports branch nationwide, submit copy 1 (Chris Sports Epic Relay copy) of completely filled out Form A1 to cashier, pay applicable fees, and demand a receipt. Ask cashier to affix PAID stamp to copy 2 (Team Captain’s copy).
Applicable fees:
**PHP 13,500 per team for Categories: Corporate/Call Center, All Men, Coed
**PHP 10,750 per team for Category: Ultra
All paid fees are non-refundable. Substitution of members is allowed. (Rules and deadlines apply)
5. Validate your registration by sending an e-mail to: [email protected], c/o Arleen Lindo.
Write the following basic details:
• Team name
• Category chosen
• Names of Team Captain and Co-Captain
• Chris Sports Branch where you filed the registration and paid your fees
• Receipt number
6. Wait for the reply that will be given to the sender to acknowledge receipt of the e-mail.
Chris Sports EPIC RELAY RACE Help Desk: TBA
Chris Sports MARKETING : 02 788 2916
Event Details: www.facebook.com/epicrelay250
For Instant Updates – Follow US!
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more exciting, more adventure and more team work…
ano ba ang gngwa dito ?
sorry di ko alam xD
kasama ba sa bayad yung 2 vans? provided ba nila yun?
pls add me to your team :)
mukang OK to ahh..
time to practice now! endurance building up…
Two more days to go before the Epic Day!
soooo excited to be part of the Support Crew.
Thank you friends for extending your wishes & prayers to PF Eco Runners – our official entry team. *__*
Good luck po sa team nyo :)
goodluck to all runners especially team 6:30
@angelo – hindi ka ba kasama sa TPPB epic relay? :-)
Congrats to Malungai Life Oil – Airforce Team..Salamat po sa magandang laban na ipinakita ng grupo nyo…..Awuuuuuawuuuu!!!