Tag: Training
Five Transformative Mindsets That Shaped My 13-Year Journey
I started running in 2010, and over the past 13 years, I've run multiple marathons and participated in hundreds of running events. Over the years, my mindset has evolved in profound ways, shaping not only my approach to running but also my perspective on life.
Do you want to be a MARATHONER? Learn from these 5...
Have you ever wondered about the questions you need to ask yourself before running a FULL marathon? Unlike other sports, running has no particular...
Interval Training at Fort with Adidas miCoach
I have been running for a few months now and decided to put some variety and new challenge in my normal continues running routine, I decided to try out interval training with the aid of my Adidas miCoach at Fort BHS.
Philippine Dodgeball Games 2009
The Philippine Dodgeball Association are giving away FREE dodgeballs as the PDBA Dodgeball Campus Tour goes to the next level and is now the Nestle Pops University Dodgeball Games!
The Science of Running – RUNNR
August 26, 2009
6:00 pm to 8:00pm
Runnr, Bonifacio High Street
Heart Rate Training for Running
Adrian Mok
6:00 pm
Optimal Running Technique
Arland Macasieb
7:00 pm
To register:
Send your details (full name, bday, mobile no.) to [email protected]
The Mizuno Run Club
The Mizuno Run Club is back!
Led by Coach Ige Lopez, a favorite running trainer and excellent triathlete, these specialized training programs will definitely buff...
Do you need a Personal Trainer?
A personal trainer is not for everyone, but having one do have its benefits.
Fat Burning Zone – Truth or Lie?
Ever heard of the "Fat Burning Zone" where you need to do cardiovascular exercise and need to maintain your heart at a specific rate...