Nike+ SportBand and Enhanced Digital Running Destination


nike plus sportbandNIKE introduced the new Nike+ SportBand, giving runners real-time performance feedback on their distance, pace, time and calories burned with just a glance at their wrist. Nike also redefined the online running experience by merging the successful site and its close to 2 million members together with

The Nike+ SportBand features a new screen with a white background to enhance visibility and a welded seal to improve water resistance, It has a simple one-touch button that starts and stops your workout, and easily save your runs to NIKE website by simply plugging the USB into your computer.

It is available in grey with an interior pink band, anthracite (dark grey) with a yellow interior band, and black with a red interior band. Runners who enjoy listening to music may continue to hear their run details through the Apple iPod nano, iTouch or iPhone systems.

Retail: P3,295


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