Platinum Fitness: the 24/7, Affordable Rates, Luxurious Experience


Let’s admit it: fitness is, in fact, a luxury. One that is particularly difficult to afford here in the Philippines, to add to that. With prices of everything—from transportation to basic necessities—soaring higher and higher, the budget of the typical working-class individual isn’t really left with much wiggle room for a fancy gym membership. Some might even say that it’s barely enough to live on, these days.

The common and effective work-around that dedicated fitness enthusiasts employ is usually keeping their workouts minimal with bodyweight training and taking it outdoors. And while some people do prefer this, the indoor workout experience, complete with equipment and coaching is definitely a huge convenience. Hey, and if you can throw in hotel-like facilities plus coaching, then yeah, write down one gym membership on my tab, please.

“24-hour access to hotel-gym-like facilities? I don’t know… sounds like it’ll cost a fortune.”

You’re right. It does sound expensive. But with Platinum Fitness, it really isn’t. Considering the above-mentioned benefits provided for you, Platinum Fitness’s rates really give you the best value for money when it comes to fitness facilities. Care to guess what their rates are?

“Is it 15,000 a month?”
Nope. Try lower.


“Okay. Uhmmmm… 10,000?”

“Seriously? Alright. How about, 5,000 a month?”
Lol. Not even.

“This is getting ridiculous. It can’t possibly go any lower than 5k a month!”

Well… it can. Because believe it, or not, Platinum Fitness offers you an all-around luxury gym experience, with 24/7 access, as well as tons of fun classes for only PHP 2,500 a month. At that monthly cost, you’re guaranteed top-of-the-line equipment from only the best suppliers in the market, complete with a cardio, functional and free-weight workout zone, and a shower facility with toiletries provided for.

Oh, and have I mentioned it’s also a passport membership, too? Currently with two branches (Esteban, Makati and Citi Plaza, Bonifacio Global city), Platinum Fitness makes working out completely accessible and convenient for any busy metro-dweller.

All these benefits should really be just the added sprinkles to what should truly be dispelling your hesitations in getting into fitness. Above all, your health improvement should be the experience and outcome that hypes you up to get into working out. Because at the end of the day, the person who really wants to get fit will find no excuse to skip out on doing the work, gym membership or no gym membership.

But in case you wanted to know more, and having a gym to go to for working out is your most preferred direction to take, then by all means, please get in touch with the Platinum Fitness team through: their website at; email at [email protected], or Facebook at @platinumfitnessph.


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