F.A.N. Run 2019 in Quirino


“Sagip Kabataan Kontra Droga” – Hate Campaign Against Illegal Drugs And Substance Abuse

The People’s Volunteer Against Illegal Drugs (PVAID) in partnership with the PDEA, MMDA,DILG and PNP NCR Police Office will hold a Fun Run this August 10, 2019 4PM Saturday at the Quirino Grandstand via Roxas Blvd.

The objective of this run is to help and support the anti drug campaign program of PVAID with a theme “Sagip Kabataan Kontra Droga” This is a hate campaign to raise the psycho social awareness against illegal drugs and substance abuse. The title of the fun run is Filipino Against Narcotics Run (F.A.N. RUN). The idea is to launch a different kind of statement using the symbolic colorful light.

Beneficiaries of this project are Victorino Mapa High School and Child Evangelism Fellowship NCR SOUTH.


F.A.N. Run

August 10, 2019
Quirino Grandstand

Registration Fees:
3K – P500
5K – P700
10K – P1000

Race Kit Inclusion: Singlet, Hydration Bottle, Race Bib, Glow in the dark sticks

Registration Venues:
1. Online – http://pvaid.ph/

2. In-Store
PVAID National Office
4/F PADAVELA Building 2011 G. Tuazon corner Samar Street,
Sampaloc, Manila.


Race Maps:

For More Information:
CONTACT – 0915-655-0037 / 0998-932-0911


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