The Philippine Independence Day Half Marathon (PIDM) 2010 – Race Results

PIDM 2010 Race Results

Congratulations to all who joined and participated in this fun filled event. Race Results are now available for download!

Download Race Results Here:
[download id=”182″]


  1. The Independence Day Half-Marathon: Worst Race of the Year?
    The Independence Day Half-Marathon was simply terrible. A total mess.

    There’s just no other way of putting it. I should have followed my gut and just skipped this race. I had very strong doubts about joining this race because I was not familiar with the event organizer and the race director. Maybe I’m just not in the know, but I think the people behind this road race are relative newbies to the “race organizing” scene. Lest you think I am being too harsh with my opinion, consider these:

    1. The 10k, 15k, and 21k runners had ONE AND THE SAME gun start. I have already joined a good number of races – both “big” and “small” – and this is the first time I’ve experienced something like this. It was simply chaotic.

    2. The race route was not cordoned off. Runners had to play patintero with vehicles in a number of stretches. I even heard that a runner got hit by a car somewhere in Lawton Avenue.

    3. There were hardly any marshalls, and in the few instances where there were any around, the poor souls were practically clueless about the route and oblivious of what was going on.

    4. Km markers were few and far between. At least five runners asked me about the distance. I was fortunate that I had a 305, otherwise I most likely would have been the one doing the asking. This, in my opinion, is the most serious flaw of this race. As I was doing my post-race stretch, I overheard a group of at least seven 21k runners openly discussing how they probably ran only 18k because they did only two loops instead of three at the closing stretch of the 21k route. I didn’t think they did that on purpose, though. They got lost because there were no Km markers (only directional signs) in critical points, and the marshalls were as helpful as fire hydrants. I myself almost missed out on a loop because a marshall prompted me to proceed to the finish line one loop early. I checked my 305, and at that point, it showed that I had only covered 17.76k. I made a u-turn and did another loop to complete the 21k distance.

    5. A lot of 21k runners who either got lost or missed a loop STILL crossed the 21k finish line. This could only mean one thing. The “official results” of this race would be crap. Utterly useless and unreliable. Good thing I don’t see myself as competing with other runners whenever I join races. I never entertain any illusions that I would ever get a podium finish in this lifetime or the next, that’s why I compete only with myself, the clock, and the course. That’s what’s great about this sport.

    6. There was a shortage of medals. I had mentioned in one of my previous posts that I am a sucker for finisher’s medals, and it really irritates me when there is a shortage. It’s simple, isn’t it? Number of registered runners = number of medals. For some reason, however, some geniuses still find a way to screw it up. I couldn’t care less about singlets – I almost never wear them anyway – but I want my medal. And here’s the cherry on the sundae, the icing on the cake, the gravy on the KFC Chicken, whatever: The group of 21k “finishers” who admitted running only 18k (see No. 4) ALL HAD MEDALS HANGING AROUND THEIR FRIGGING NECKS. They only did 18k so they ended up crossing the 21k finish line way ahead of a lot of other legit 21k finishers (including me) — and they had the balls to claim their finisher’s medals! Where’s the integrity in that? And they call themselves runners?

    Anyway, some people at the finish line got my name and mobile number and said they’ll contact me for the delivery of my medal. We’ll see.

    7. The water stations were too short. Proper spacing and just the right number, but waaaaay too short. As in, just-one-or-two-monoblock-tables-long short. They were also inadequately manned. Most of the stations I passed as I was outbound were crowded. Runners had to stop – as in a full stop – just to get a drink. You can just imagine the precious minutes that the long queues added to the finish time of legit finishers (never mind the bogus finishers – they don’t count).

    8. The 21k route was extremely boring. It’s bad enough that it was held at the Fort. But making runners do three loops around one segment of the route? That’s rubbing salt on an open wound.

    The Independence Day Half-Marathon is a classic example of how NOT to organize and manage a race. It’s sad because the race had so much promise – a rare Saturday race, an admirable theme (patriotism), very cheap registration fee. But then again, that might actually be the rub. It was dubiously cheap for a Fort race. What’s that cliche again? You get what you pay for? There you go.

    Let me put in a little disclaimer, though. Not all “small” races are like this, and my experience at this race would NEVER discourage me from joining “unbranded” races in the future.

    Still, the day was not without redeeming factors. Call these the day’s saving grace:

    1. I think I’m getting my mojo back. I finished 21k with a gun time of 2:13:26 and Garmin time of 2:13:05. It’s four mintes off my 21k PR, but still an improvement of nine minutes over my last half-mary (2:22, Nature Valley). Maybe my dinner the night before the race (spaghetti with meat sauce – Pinoy style – and fried chicken) and my pre-race meal (double cheese burger, GIANT cavendish banana, Gatorade) did the trick. You see, I’ve greatly reduced my intake of carbs and meat. Over the last three months or so, my diet has helped me lose 12 pounds (prepping for BDM hehehe). In my last few runs and races, I noticed that I tended to fade during the homestretch due to obvious loss of energy. I loaded up big time for this race, and I think it paid dividends. I can only speculate what my finish time would have been like had I not gotten lost and if the water stations had been longer. Maybe I could have set a new PR, or even gone sub-2:05. But then again, it is what it is. I am happy with my 2:13:05 finish.

    2. Ice cold, absolutely free Pocari Sweat flowed like water along the entire the race route.

    3. The heat and humidity were tolerable. It seems summer is finally, really over. Perfect marathon weather!

    And last but not least…

    4. I finally have an angas Bald Runner 1,000 Km Club shirt. As of this writing, I’m sitting on 1,397 kms. Not bad, considering that I started logging my runs back in July 2009 only. Thanks a lot to the Jedi Master, the one and only Bald Runner, Sir Jovie Narcise.

    With a shirt like this, who needs a medal? :)

    This is my last race before the grand daddy of local races: the 34th National Milo Marathon Manila Eliminations on July 4. I’ll never qualify for the Finals, but I think a sub-5 hour 42k finish is definitely within reach this time around.

  2. @yellowcard: very accurate evaluation of the event.

    I myself joined the 10k, my first after running 3x5k events last month. All I can say is “NEVER AGAIN!” will I join an event from these organizers.

    I lost a good 250m because there were NO marshalls and NO signs around to tell me where to turn (or in this case, go straight). And I was NOT alone, we were close to 20+ runners who made the wrong turn.

    Also, when I hit the finish-line exhausted, I had to line-up to surrender my tag off my BIB#. The line was NOT moving for some time and imagine having completed an exhausting run then suddenly STOP and line-up. I felt I could have had a heart-attack by the sudden stop. THERE WAS ONLY ONE F***ING LINE at the FINISH for the 10k!!!

    From now on, will look at the organizer success history before joining. RUNRIO events are the BEST!!

    Also saw Couch RIO run in this lousy and unorganized event. He must be proud of how he has handled his events compared to this PIDM.

  3. There were no signs indicating the route for 21k. There were race officials shouting directions which no one could hear. Upon reaching the 12k mark going into fort proper, they were handing out race bands. I did two rounds then went for the finish line as instructed. When i reached the end, officials were saying that you should have at least 3 race bands before proceeding to the finish line. That indicated you did three rounds around fort. The problem was no one knew about this and most 21k runners had only one or two race bands when they finished. Some had none as they did not at all notice the officials giving out the bands. Most i think did not know what it was for. A clearer race map, directional signs, and more preparation would have addressed these problems. This was truly a very disorganized race. To the organizers, we do hope this race would be an example of what NOT to do and by then be a basis for improvement. ATTENTION TO DETAIL IS KEY. A lot of improvements could have been made. The stage should have been nearer to the finish/starting line so that instructions could be given clearly to the runners. The entrance to the race should have been three access points for 21k, 15k, and 10k respectively so people could line up properly and give their tags in an organized manner (but of course no one should start a race with all runners from these categories starting at the same time). As for those who thought who finished 21k but ended up running 18k, poor souls. They received medals that might as well say ” DNF 21k”. I myself am one of them.

  4. Sino yung race organizers? Race director?

    Running is starting to become a business but the organizing companies are not regulated. We still do not have an accreditation of professional race organizers, or a standard for prices.

    It’s normally a fight among the lowest bidders. If we can post the people responsible for this then maybe those who plan to do charity or fund raising would know who not to approach.


  5. I agree! I was supposed to run 10K but ended up on the 15k route by making a wrong turn towards Heritage Park. No clear sign or marshalls for that matter saying that 10km runners should have just gone straight. I passed a few of them after I turned right towards Heritage and they didn’t even tell me to turn back.

  6. Some of the questions on how they will post the result:

    1. they dont know what time we start since all runners from 10,15 & 21k runs at the same time?
    2. by the time we all finished the race, marshall will just collect and untag our "BARCODE" in our bid and stack in their f*—-g hand?
    3. if they misplaced or tampered my/your "BARCODE"?

    Poor and unorganized race..tsk..tsk….also singlet design was so bad…tsk..tsk..

  7. CIE, the organizer of the race was in it for the money.

    I just hope all other race organizers could learn from this.

  8. to add, organizer super late dumating sa venue.. 5am na wala pa din yung magdidistribute ng singlet. and i asked kung san yung check-in registration, ano daw yun hahaha

    this was my 2nd run and my first 10k run pero alam ko na agad na super palpak ng event na ito

  9. nde nila ma-release ang race result bcoz it's totally mess, magtaka ka, PB ng friend ko sa 21k 2:10++ but she did only 1:46++, hmmm hopefully someone did broke the world record of half marathon.

  10. Damn, they will have the results in 2015!@#$%. Almost got hit by a car!!! The organizers should never be allowed to manage a race again!

  11. It's almost 2 weeks now but still no race results yet! Or maybe there won't be any after all. I regret joining this race.

  12. another mess on their site:

    On the lower portion you will see this:


    What to click?? A word? Not even a hyperlink that navigates you to the race result!

    There's also another link at the upper left but still no good.

  13. Organizers or whoever is in-charge, please publish how many more days or weeks you needed before you are going to release the result. Or just let the participants know that you are not anymore releasing one. I'm checking already with my lawyers what possible charges could be filed against you. You can't just go away with this mess. You must be held liable and accountable.

  14. its too obvious that the organizer was just for the money? did someone here in the room try calling CIE for the race result?

  15. kaya pala di nila ma post ang result. nakaka disappoint nga talaga ang event na ito. yun kasama nga namin na tumakbo ng 10km napunta sa 15km. ang tanga talaga ng nag organize kulang sa experience.

  16. dapat pala sa BOTTLERUN PROJECT na lang tayo least dun maganda yung beneficiaries and kahit walang singlet/chip, they were able to provide race result they best they can..

    lesson learned.

    1. pag-aralan kung sino yung beneficiaries

    2. research who will be the organizer and race director.

  17. call up CIA at 8880909 or 8120909, tell them which category or the race you participated in and give them your email address, they can email you the result

  18. We have to individually call them to get the results? That is the most st*pid thing they can do! On top of what they already have done, or rather, have not done!

  19. I didn’t know that this race sucked, all I remembered was there’s a lot of pocari sweat to go around, i thought it was great. Haha.

    Poor me, ran 10km LATE.


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