Tag: UP run
Run For Wellness 2023 in UP Diliman
Southstar Drug and Maxicare have joined forces to launch the RUN FOR WELLNESS campaign in 2023
Takbong Silangan Para kay Juan 2019 in UP Diliman
In celebration of 50 years of quality health service, the Employees Association of a premier medical training institute, EAST AVENUE MEDICAL CENTER, was emboldened to offer to its constituents composed of healthcare workers and medical staffs, a celebration of their inspiring work for Pinoys by staging a fun run on September 22, 2019 at the Sunken Garden of UP Diliman, QC.
The Great UP Run 2019 in UP Diliman
As part of NoWhereToGoButUP Foundation's thrust to support the Varsity Teams of the University of the Philippines, RUNRIO invites everyone to join The Great U.P. Run. It will be the first of an annual run to be organized by RunRio Events, Inc.
ATLETAKBO 2017 in UP Diliman
This event is a 5KM - Philippine games-inspired run. Challenge yourself in playing all-time favorite Philippine games such as patintero, piko and Chinese garter.
MagpaPAUWis Tayo Run 2016 in UP Diliman
The Philippine Association of University Women, University of the Philippines Child Study Center together with the PTA 2016-2017 presents MagpaPAUWis Tayo 2016
Takbone 2016 in UP Diliman Academic Oval
Takbone is the annual charity fun run of the Institute of Orthopedics and Sports Medicine (IOSM) of St. Luke's Medical Center. This event is intended to raise funds for the charity patients of the Institute in need of orthopedic care.
ACTIVATE! RUN and PUMP it UP – August 29, 2010
Run! Boost up! On its 75th year, the UP Engineering Radio Guild (UP ERG) will launch ACTIVATE! RUN and PUMP it UP on August 15, 2010 at the UP Diliman Academic Oval grounds. The run calls out for everyone to participate to join the movement towards a great advocacy.