Century Tuna – The Underpants Run – March 7, 2015



If you’re joining or supporting someone who’s joining the Century Tuna Ironman 70.3 Subic happening on March 8, then you really should NOT miss this!

Following the tradition at Kona, home of the renowned Ironman World Championship, Century Tuna Ironman 70.3 Subic will hold a pre-race fun run on March 7, 2015 dubbed “Century Tuna Superbods: The Underpants Run. This run is open to everyone. There will be two pairs of winners — local athletes (male and female) and foreign athletes (male and female).

The winners, who will take home the Century Tuna Superbods Awards, will win USD $500 each. Century Tuna will match the amount of the total prizes and donate this to a beneficiary that will be chosen by the local government of Subic. The run will be held at the Remy Field at 9:30 AM and will end at the Lighthouse Marina Resort. So get ready and join! #CenturyTunaIM703

*Note: Light Breakfast at the Lighthouse Marina Resort will be served to all participants for FREE.

Century Tuna – Superbods The Underpants Run
March 7, 2015 @ 9:30AM
Remy Field, Subic Bay
2K Underpants RUN

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