Watch: POSF – Makapangyarihang Puso (Powerful Heart)


The Pilipinas Obstacle Sports Federation (POSF) premiered last July 31 the docu-video titled Makapangyarihang Puso (Powerful Heart). This may be viewed and downloaded from the YouTube account of POSF. The close-to-10-minute-video narrates the journey of this fledging national sports association (NSA) on Obstacle Course Racing (OCR). Two more videos were uploaded August 10 – a 4-minute Music Video and a 1-minute audio visual presentation.

POSF is a member of the World OCR, the international federation on OCR, OCR Asia-Pacific, the continental federation, and just recently, the International Parkour Federation (IPF). It is also a member of the Philippine Olympic Committee and is recognized by the Philippine Sports Commission.

POSF was founded only in January 2017 and yet, it has accomplished some notable firsts in the world and in the region. The firsts are organizing and participating in the 30th South East Asian Games, an event recognized by the International Olympic Committee, staging the 1st and 2nd Asian OCR Championships, becoming a member of the IPF, adopting the International Membership Number system with the Digital Medical Passport, conducting coaches certification programs, and supporting the establishment of the biggest permanent obstacle facility in Asia.


But the real focus of this project is the athletes and the members of the Federation. They are the reason-for-being, the heroes, the stars of POSF, the why of its pursuit to “Build Better Humans” which is the vision of the organization. This is actually the true meaning of Olympism. The values of POSF in furtherance of this vision are athlete-centeredness, excellence, innovation, inclusivity, community and respect.

Inclusivity here means that OCR is not only for one gender, one age bracket and the able-bodied. POSF espouses “OCR for all” and serves four sectors, namely the able-bodied, Para-OCR/ adaptive athletes, youth/ kids, and senior/ masters. They are the central pillars of the Federation. To support them, we have facilities, coaches, competitions, and a functioning organization – the other pillars.

All these pillars, values and firsts are captured in this documentary produced by Team Agra – Al, Jean, Jess and Noel.

All journeys, whether personal or organizational, are like obstacle course races. OCR is a way of life. There are struggles and obstacles, different terrains, praises and criticisms, ups and downs, fellow racers, rules, victories, medals, families and friends, learning and training, and opportunities to grow and become better with a purpose. And to succeed and even triumph even when one has fallen, one needs a Powerful Heart … kailangan ng Makapangyarihang Puso.

The song beautifully composed by Robster Evangelista underlines our story, our story which we write for ourselves, own and tell.

The song, by the way, was not written with POSF in mind. This song was written by Robster 10 years ago and through a simple act of an introduction fell into the lap of Al Agra, the POSF President. Thank you Chiqui Reyes of Cuatro Indios Productions, the company that edited the audio-visual presentation, for sending the song to POSF. Nothing really happens without a purpose or meaning.

Why produce and release this docu-video at this time when all are struggling because of and during the COVID 19 pandemic? The answer is simple. We must continue to celebrate life … despite obstacles. Our sport is all about this, conquering obstacles, learning from them, thriving even with them. There are opportunities even if or because of the adversities. There are “advertunities.”

So this is our story worth telling even at this time, inspiring others, motivating others, telling our story, living with a Makapangyarihang Puso (Powerful Heart).

Makapangyarihang Puso (Powerful Heart) – Lyrics

Wag kang matakot magkamali
Don’t be afraid to commit mistakes

O madapa sa landas na iyong pinili
Or stumble along the path you chose to take

Bulong ng puso mo ay galing sa langit
Your heart’s desire came from the heavens

Nabuhay ka para ito ay makamit
Your life’s purpose is to live it

Ikaw ang bida ng buhay mo
You are the hero of your own life

Ikaw rin ang susulat ng iyong kwento
You are the writer of your own story

Meron mang drama, komedya o aksyon
There may be drama, comedy, or action–

Susunod lamang sa iyong direksyon
Your story will follow your own direction

E ano kung madapa’t gumulong
So what if you stumble and fall?

Basta makakabangon ka’t susulong
As long as you will get up and move with purpose

O, makapangyarihan wo-oh, ang iyong puso
Oh, your heart is powerful!

Wag magpapigil sa kantyaw o puna
Don’t stop on account of taunts or criticisms

Ang pangarap mo ay mas mahalaga
Your dream is more important

Sa oras na ika’y parang sinusubok
In times when you are challenged

Hugutin ang lakas na galing sa loob
Draw your strength from within

Ang lahat ng nakikita sa paligid
Everything that you see around you

Dati ay pangarap lang sa isip
Were once but visions and dreams

Bunga ng mga pusong ‘di nagpatalo
Borne out of hearts that never stop conquering

Paalaala na kung kaya nila ay kaya mo rin ito
A reminder that if others can, so can you

This article was submitted by Atty. Al Agra. Do you like the song? Let talk about it over at the the Pinoy Fitness Community Facebook group!


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