Century Tuna 5150 Triathlon is happening in 2 weeks! Are you guys ready!? Spotted a lot of teams this weekend doing route recon. For those who’s new with the route and didn’t get a chance to do a recon trip, here’s some idea of the route and some points to take note of.
Century Tuna 5150 Triathlon – Recon Route
Bike Start -> Transition 1 – All Hands Beach
Bike End -> Transition 2 – SBECC
– Our recon ride started at Ocean Adventure (not part of the bike route). Click the MAP above to see a full view of the recon map and the corresponding elevations
– We then proceeded to IDESS LOOP where the first part of the loop is an easy downhill ride, but stay alert on some pot holes within the route (I hope they get patched up before the race), the other half is an uphill challenge.
– After IDESS LOOP, it’s a fun 8KM downhill ride at corregidor road, which you have to climb painfully as well before reaching IDESS based on the official Map.
– After the 8KM of downhill and flat road comes the steep 3KM climb up of Tarlac Road, followed by a 2KM decent back to Argonaut Hwy. From there it should be practically a flat ride to T2 at SBECC.
The route is really made more challenging with all of the uphill climbs needed to finish the 40KM course, so prepare your quads guys!
We’re practically newbies at this! Any veteran readers willing to give some additional tips? Leave them at the comments section below!
Garmin Recon Route:
See you guys in 2 weeks! Cheers!
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Thanks for the recon data. This is of great help to some of us. Psychological preparation can begin properly with this.