5 Habits of Mamaw Runners You Can Apply on Your Next Race

What makes mamaw runners different from you and me? Through consistent practice, they’ve developed habits that have made them smarter and stronger runners. Here are 5 of them.

10 Healthy Things To Eat After Running

After a run session, it’s important that your body replenishes the fluids, carbohydrates, and protein it lost while working out. This will make your body recover faster, ready for you’re the next run.

6 Commandments of Running with a Buddy

Running with a buddy can be so much fun! Enjoy the experience to the fullest by keeping these basic rules in mind.

7 Tips When Running at Night

Running after a long day at school or work is a great stress buster. It relaxes us and gives us a much-needed endorphine boost. However, running at night can expose us to certain risks. Here are 8 tips on how you can stay safe while you’re out on the road as the sun sets.

5 Possible Reasons Why Runners Cheat

The saying “cheaters never win” is indeed evident most especially in sports like running. Joining a race, specifically half and full marathons, is not an easy event to partake in; but the triumph you get after finishing a marathon is no question one of the best feelings ever. Runner's high, as they call it.

12 Tips to Make you Fall in Love with Running Again

Just like any relationship, you and running will have its ups and downs. You will feel the burnout after running for a while, find another sport or hobby to learn, or will just feel bored.

Top 10 Must-Know Running Terms for Beginners

The running community is, hands down, one intact group where people love to share their achievements, fallbacks, and even give pieces of advice. I have personally seen how passionate runners are when they discuss anything related to running – from forms, distances, shoes, gadgets, etc. through the PF community Facebook group.

Run Faster by Losing Weight

If you’ve been running for quite some time and you haven’t broken your current PR, maybe you it’s time to go on a diet.

9 Common Mistakes Running Newbies Make

So you’ve decided to get into running as part of your fitness goals this year. Good job! Take care, though: it’s so easy to make mistakes that can turn you off from the sport.

5 Signs you are Overtraining

There was a moment late last year when I almost wanted to stop running and triathlon training. There was actually time when I told my triathlon coach na "ayaw ko na!".

Running in a Flow State

Research over the years has shown that the more often that athletes achieve flow, the happier they were.

7 Common Running Injuries and What You Can Do About Them

Running for years, or even a just a couple of months, may lead to injuries. And if not treated as soon as possible, these injuries could keep you sidelined for a long time.

4 Signs It’s Time to Replace Your Running Shoes

A pair of good running shoes is the most important investment for every runner. Your chosen pair will be the primary protection of your feet, knees, ankles, and joints as you run kilometer after kilometer. But a good pair of running shoes doesn’t come cheap.

5 Surprising Benefits of Running

You may not realize it, but running has benefits that go beyond helping us lose weight. When done consistently, it can do wonders to other aspects of our lives, too.