Tips from the PROs: How to stay fit during the Christmas season

Ani bike
Coach Ani De Leon Brown

Coach Ani de Leon-Brown: Run 1 hour or bike 1.5hrs early in the morning to start the day right. At the party buffet pick a little bit of your favorite food items so you at least get to taste them and there’s no need to pile on a whole lot of food cause your cravings are satisfied already.

Coach Andy – photo c/o Philstar

Coach Andy Leuterio: Set a minimum number of workouts for the week. If you can’t maintain your normal daily frequency, at least stick with a handful of sessions. Just don’t let an entire week go by without a single workout or you’ll have a hard time getting back on track. For triathletes, go for time saving double- or triple-workouts so you maintain muscle memory. Keep the intensity fairly high so you burn more calories and work more muscle fibers. As for food, I’d recommend loading more greens and proteins so you feel more full instead of piling your plate with carbs.

Nikko Huelgas - Photo c/o Unilab
Nikko Huelgas – Photo c/o Unilab

Elite triathlete Nikko Huelgas: Book yourself for a race around January. Or in my case, always think about your first race of the year when you wake up. Try to make sure that it can be your best race in the year. You might as well start now. It’s getting closer! Besides, food tastes more delicious and guilt-free after a hard workout!

Kuya Kim Atienza

“Kuya Kim” Atienza: It’s okay to eat all the Christmas stuff, but eat in moderation. Allow yourself to gain just 5 pounds so it’s less painful coming back to train for the coming race season.

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